Children can use up some of their energy and learn new skills this half-term.

B-active Sport and Exercise camps, which are run by Bradford Council, are aimed at children aged 5 to 13 and give them the opportunity to try new sports, improve their skills and make friends.

Sports on offer include dodge ball, tag rugby, trampolining, badminton, table tennis, netball, cricket, football, athletics, basketball, tennis and volleyball.

Participants can choose to enrol for up to three days at Richard Dunn Sports Centre from October 29 to 31 and for up to five days at Nab Wood Sports Centre, from October 28 to November 1.

The five-day camp at Nab Wood Sports Centre will cost £52 per child or £12 per day. Passport to Leisure card holders can sign up for the five day camp for £39 or pay £9 per day.

The three-day camp at Richard Dunn Sports Centre will cost £31 per child or £12 per day. Passport to Leisure card holders can enrol on the three day camp for £23 or pay £9 per day.

The sessions will run from 8.30am to 3.30pm and children must bring a sports kit with trainers and a packed lunch with drinks.

Booking is essential. Phone (01274) 522750 or e-mail sportsunit@