The range and quality of Council services will inevitably suffer because of budget cuts, Bradford Council’s leader has warned.

Councillor David Green said the authority faced a funding gap of £65 million over two years.

He said: “Inevitably this will impact on the range and quality of Council services and the pace at which we can achieve our goals, but I remain convinced we can achieve those goals and determined to do so.”

Coun Green spoke out as Bradford Council’s leaders set out their priorities for the next municipal year, which include improving education and skills, creating jobs and boosting the economy.

Deputy Council leader Councillor Imran Hussain said: “Everyone needs to get basic levels of the Council’s bread and butter services wherever they live, but there is no way on earth that the Council can afford to do all the things that people have been used to given the scale of Government cuts.

”We will have to look at how we can do things differently, how we can intervene early on to tackle the symptoms of problems not the cures, for example helping people live independently for longer. We’ll have to support people in doing more to help themselves.”

Bradford Council’s Executive team remains unchanged after today's annual meeting of the full Council:

Councillor David Green, Council leader, strategic regeneration and corporate services.

Councillor Imran Hussain, Deputy leader, stronger and safer communities.

Councillor Ralph Berry, children’s and young peoples’ services.

Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe, employment, skills and culture.

Councillor Amir Hussain, adult social care and health.

Councillor Val Slater, housing, planning and transport.

Councillor Andrew Thornton, environment and sport.