A Bradford writers’ group is helping start a £6m Heritage Lottery Fund programme to help communities mark the centenary of the First World War.

Unheard Voices – the Civilian Experience of the First World War in Yorkshire: Bradford is a project being run by Snowgoose Writers Community in the city.

It received £6,800 to tell the lesser-known stories of the civilians on the Home Front. Their findings will be turned into performed and filmed versions.

Over the next six years the fund will be making more grants between £3,000 and £10,000 available to help the UK explore, conserve and share their First World war heritage and deepen people’s understanding of the impact of the conflict.

Anyone with a project idea should get an application pack from hlf.org.uk/Then AndNow, e-mail y&h development@hlf.org.uk or telephone (0113) 3888030.