Responsible dog owners are being treated the same as people who don’t clean up after their pets, according to an Oxenhope resident.

Lynne Cunliffe, who owns two dogs, said she no longer felt comfortable walking them in her own village because of hostility from some people, and argued that signs put up to tackle the issue amounted to “over-kill”.

However, Worth Valley ward councillors, who allocated funding for the signs, said they were responding to a large number of complaints.

Mrs Cunliffe, who works as a historical costume educator, lives in Station Road. She and her husband John own five-year-old Laura, a German Shepherd and two-year-old Tilly, who is a spaniel.

Mrs Cunliffe said: “I know people here aren’t happy about dog fouling but it’s no more than about five owners who are responsible.”

Worth Valley councillor, Glen Miller, responded: “The local district councillors have funded these signs because of the many, many complaints we get.”