Bingley Little Theatre’s Kaleidoscope youth group’s next production is Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale.

The play is edited and directed by Rosemary Grainger, who started Kaleidoscope 12 years ago.

“I chose the 1950s and 60s as the time settings because I wanted to use two periods divided by about 16 years, where the earlier period conjured up a more formal time, while the later period suggested freedom and a New Age,” she said. “My choice is not original, but I think it works. As in many of Shakespeare’s plays which are apparently set in foreign countries, much of the action could really be taking place in England. We have therefore made no attempt to suggest either Sicily or Bohemia, but simply two countries separated by sea.

“This production has proved demanding and the cast has worked very hard, wonderfully supported by the back-stage team.”

The play is on at Bingley Arts Centre from April 18-20, starting at 7.30pm. For tickets, ring (01274) 567983