SIR – I have just been reading in the T&A about a Mr Adrian Wales, Post Office regional network manager, who is refurbishing the post office in Idle. He understands it’s important for the residents to have a new modern post office.

Well I would like to ask Mr Adrian Wales why he closed our post office in Undercliffe?

There are a lot of old residents who live in Undercliffe, and if I want my pension I have to get a bus down to Otley Road Peel Park post office or the bus to Warncliffe post office in Harrogate Road. Trying to get across Harrogate Road to the shop is a nightmare – you take your life in your own hands.

Now there is a lovely shop that has been empty for a while in Dudley Hill Road that used to be a spectacle shop. I know because I used to go there for my eyes testing.

It would be lovely if they could open it as a post office and let us have another post office in Undercliffe again.

Mrs I Rhodes, Oxford Road, Undercliffe