Callers to Bradford Council's contact centre are facing delays after a severe flood has caused the building to be evacuated.

The first floor centre at Nelson Street was flooded over the weekend and the whole building closed down.

Today has seen the contact centre's 50 to 60 staff being relocated - some to Britannia House and Jacob's Well - and others to the Alhambra Theatre.

The Council is urgently trying to resolve the situation but callers will not be able to get through on the (01274) 431000 number, which deals with those ringing about faulty street lights or missed bin collections, or through benefit and Council tax enquiry lines.

People are being asked to look at the website to check out their next step.

Wallace Sampson, strategic director of customer services, said: "We are doing all we can to minimise disruption but there was no way we could keep staff at the contact centre as the damage is severe."

The temporary base at the Alhambra should be able to take calls tomorrow though the disruption will last at least a couple of days.