SIR - Can there ever have been a councillor more hopeless than Alex Ross-Shaw, especially one who also sits on the Council Executive?

This man, the Bradford Council portfolio holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, has been involved with one shambolic issue after another in recent times, but the way in which he refuses to answer questions regarding Bradford Live, despite also being a director of that company, is an utter disgrace.

There is substantial taxpayers' money, getting on for £50m, on the line here, and as such he should be informing us all as to just what is going on. He was elected to serve the people of our city, so perhaps he would like to properly do so.

His pathetic responses (T&A, August 14) to all questions beggar belief, and it is surely quite obvious that Mr Ross-Shaw should now resign. He would have been long gone in private industry.

Hopeless? That's being far too kind!

Bob Watson, Baildon