SIR - Your Open Letter to the Council, Bradford Live and the NEC was highly appropriate even if a bit late in the day.

Hopefully you will be pressing all these parties for their responses, not accepting any bland rubbish.

Indeed, why Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw has not come clean long ago surely tells us how hopeless he actually is.

With his Regeneration hat on he appears to have presided over one shambles after another. He owes it to all Bradfordians to properly update us on the ongoing situation. It is our money that is being used on this project.

Let's face it, if Council leader Susan Hinchcliffe and he were employed by a private company then surely they would have been sacked years ago. We really should have a thorough investigation into all their actions on sundry fronts over the last few years and which have sullied the name of our city time after time.

Time for them both to go? That's long past.

Bob Watson, Baildon