INSPIRATIONAL females came together at a Women in STEM (Science technical Engineering and Maths) event to promote the exciting and diverse education and careers available to girls in Bradford.

The event brought students face-to-face with female role models at a panel session, led by Vicky Wainwright, Bradford Chamber of Commerce president and managing director of Naylor Wintersgill.

The panelists provided personal stories, career achievements and challenges, as well as an insight into the future opportunities careers in STEM can offer them.

The students could ask further questions and hear more from the female role models about their varied careers in different companies, from construction and chemicals to accountancy and project management.

Vicky Wainwright said: “It was such a pleasure to lead an amazing panel of women in STEM talking about their superpower in their own field.

“Brilliant questions by the students, followed by a careers fair supporting young women to make informed decisions about their future careers. The impact of this event cannot be underestimated.”

Aiming to get more women into STEM careers locally the event was sponsored and organised by Solenis, Future Transformations and Education Partnerships.

Dave Calder, Solenis manufacturing site in Bradford, said: “Events like this are so important to Solenis as we continue to try and create a more diverse workforce, further enabling recruitment and retention of talented women.”