AROUND 600 jobs are set to be created through another multi-million pound regeneration scheme at an historic West Yorkshire mill complex.

John and William Gaunt, owners of Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley, have been given the go-ahead for ambitious further development plans at the ten acre site where 250 jobs have so far been generated.

The Gaunts, who already invested £4 million in regenerating part of the former wool textile mill complex over six years, have been given planning consent by Leeds City Council for remodelling and regeneration of 210,000 sq ft of mixed-use development and space for 600 sustainable jobs.

The mill complex is being transformed into 21st century working and living space.

John Gaunt said: “The decision by Leeds planners to support this new phase of regeneration is tremendous news, not just for us, but for the economy of Farsley, Pudsey and the surrounding area. It’s exciting for the village and it’s a huge privilege for us.

“We have already created 250 jobs at Sunny Bank Mills, with more than 50 companies on site. This next phase, developed over the next few years, will create many more and regenerate these lovely old buildings. We now have the flexibility, the time and the confidence to deliver a sustainable future for Sunny Bank Mills.

“The 210,000 sq ft of development will comprise 65,000 sq ft of new build and 145,000 sq ft of regenerated mill buildings, where we will see living space as well as office, retail and leisure. The mill woodland has been protected and the remodelled mill ponds will provide fantastic amenity space for everyone who lives and works here.”

Sunny Bank Mills, owned by the Gaunt family for nearly two centuries, is being renovated to provide space for small and medium-sized businesses. William Gaunt added: “We believe very strongly that we must preserve the legacy of Sunny Bank Mills for future generations.We have retained and refurbished historic buildings such as Sandsgate, the Mending Rooms and the 1912 Mill, where Yorkshire Television filmed Emmerdale and Heartbeat, to create new jobs and make Sunny Bank Mills the economic powerhouse of Farsley once again.”