Funeral directors Arthur B Baxter held a service of dedication following a move to larger premises in Bingley.

Dean Newton said the enlarged Beechroyd Terrace site involved a significant investment for the firm.

He said: “The funeral home has been renovated to the highest standards. I am very proud of Arthur B Baxter Funeral Directors and I can now see and feel the great potential in making the community confident that they will receive the highest levels of professionalism and service.”

Almost every room in the funeral home has been modernised in line with the professional standards set out by Dignity Caring Funeral Services.

The service and blessing was conducted by Rev Beverley Mason, Vicar of Bingley.

Dean added: “It is very important to have our chapels of rest blessed and rededicated.”

The firm is hosting a coffee morning on Monday from 10am to enable people to view the changes.