Round the world yachtswoman Dame Ellen MacArthur urged has local businesses to embrace a ‘circular economy’ model that would revolutionise recycling and re-manufacturing.

Dame Ellen, whose foundation is promoting the circular economy, spoke to 120 business representatives and academics attending a three-day conference at the University of Bradford.

She said: “There is a fantastic economic and entrepreneurial opportunity for businesses which embrace the circular economy.

“It is all about looking through a different lens where the whole picture is considered during design and manufacturing. The circular economy creates a framework for re-thinking how we work.”

Workspace interiors company, Steelcase Solutions, which worked on the university’s new re.centre, pledged its support for the circular economy model where everything possible is designed and made with a view to recycling.

Jacqui Withnell, business development director, said: “As a company we have long advocated the use of cradle-to-cradle recyclable products and are wholly committed to that approach.”