Talks were ongoing last night over a possible deal to safeguard the Bulls’ future but a formal offer to buy the club has yet to be made.

The club’s administrator Brendan Guilfoyle had indicated he was expecting the ABC consortium of Bradford-based businessmen to submit an offer to buy the club yesterday.

The Rugby Football League, however, said last night that they had yet to hear of a formal bid.

Blake Solly, the RFL’s director of licensing and standards, confirmed no offer had been made but said the club’s administrators had asked for a meeting today.

Mr Solly told the T&A: "No bids have been received or offers made, but the ad-ministrators have been in touch and asked us to meet with them to-morrow.

"We are waiting for them to get back to us to confirm when time they would like to meet."

Mr Guilfoyle was not available for comment last night.