Ian Sibbit is ready to recapture his youth after signing a two-year deal to join the Bulls.

The 29-year-old back-rower will be entering the 13th year of his career next season but feels like an excited rookie after being offered the chance for a fresh start at Odsal.

Having spent the past six years at Salford, Sibbit admits he had slipped into a comfort zone and sees the switch as a chance to reinvigorate his career.

“The first thing I said to my wife was that I’m excited but nervous,” he said. “It’s a good nervous though because if you didn’t feel those kinds of nerves coming to a club like Bradford then something would be wrong.

“I wanted to move away from Salford because I’d become a little bit frustrated and had fallen into a bit of a comfort zone. I don’t want that and, even though I’m 29, I want to be challenged and I want to be learning new things all the time.

“It came out of the blue but as soon as Bradford came in for me I was ready to sign. I didn’t even have to really think about it.

“When a club like Bradford comes in for you it’s not a difficult decision to make. I can’t wait to get started.”

Sibbit’s own fresh start coincides with a new dawn at Bradford.

With Mick Potter arriving as coach next year, the former Warrington and Melbourne star’s signing represents the sixth new arrival for 2011 with more still to come.

Steve Menzies, Chris Nero, Rikki Sheriffe and Stuart Reardon have also been allowed to leave the club and Sibbit believes the wholesale changes will only help him settle.

He said: “It’s a new start for the club and going off the last couple of years, they have not been where they want to be but hopefully we can put that right and this time next year we’ll be looking forward to the play-offs.

“I think it does help though because I won’t be the only one making a fresh start so I will be in good company alongside the likes of Chev Walker.

“With the signings that have been made, there are some really good names in the squad and there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be up there challenging.”

Sibbit’s signing fits in with the Bulls’ new policy of ensuring quality and depth throughout the squad.

A small senior squad was badly exposed this year when injuries hit and the former England A international adds to a growing experienced core.

Chief executive Ryan Duckett said: “We are delighted to have added Ian to our squad. He is a very experienced player who will add greatly to the depth of our squad for the next two years.

“It has been our intentions to increase the size of the squad and the competition for places next year and Ian fits the bill perfectly.”