SIR – For as long as I can remember, the Liberals and latterly the Liberal Democrats have wanted to be in a position to see the implementation of proportional representation.

Lo and behold – the opportunity arises and it turns out that they are prepared to settle for an AV system which is simply a refined first-past-the-post system.

For the benefit of those who had not grasped this con, PR means that each party must get an allocation of seats directly according to votes cast and the only complication is in sorting out how local people get local choices of their individual politicians.

That the Tories want to keep the failed two-party system is hardly surprising, but the Lib Dems have let the democratic process down very badly indeed with their power-seeking sell-out.

The government coalition is aptly named CON-DEM!

Jason Smith, UKIP Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury, Bradford