Stealing is bad enough, but when thieves’ activities put lives at risk it becomes an even more serious concern.

So it is troubling to learn that a number of manhole and drain covers have been stolen from the district recently – together with street name signs – to be sold for scrap.

These crimes occur from time to time but just because we are familiar with them, they are no less dangerous for that.

Imagine, for example, what would happen if someone was walking along and put their foot into an uncovered drain while crossing the road – it could easily happen, especially in the dark.

And if a driver caught a wheel in an open manhole, the consequences could be horrendous.

Even the theft of street signs creates dangers. Despite the widespread use of satellite navigation systems, signs are still vital for the emergency services to confirm they are in the right place and any confusion could cause worrying delays.

There is also the matter of replacing these items which, ultimately, the rest of us end up paying for.

The people behind these offences are either brainless or heartless. Brainless because they cannot imagine the possible dire consequences of their acts, or heartless because they can, but do not care.

Either way, they are unlikely to stop of their own volition and so need to be caught before someone is seriously injured or worse.