The CCTV image just released by police conveys some of the terror of an armed raid on a Bradford jewellery shop.

Imagine how much worse it must have been to actually be there, as the father of the owner and a woman shopworker were, and be confronted by these ruthless, hooded, gun-toting gangsters, literally fearing for your life as they ransacked the premises.

Although it is around a week since the attack – which was reported in the Telegraph & Argus at the time – the events have not faded from the victims’ minds, indeed, they will probably be haunted by what happened for weeks, months and possibly even years to come.

No-one deserves to suffer such a traumatic ordeal. Everyone should be free to go about the business of earning an honest living or just helping out their son without being put in fear of their lives.

Perhaps a member of the public will recognise something in the picture which can help identify who is behind this despicable crime.

Or maybe the renewed publicity will jog someone’s memory or prick someone’s conscience, leading them to contact the police.

After all, there is no glory in what these criminals did, and if they are being sheltered, they do not deserve to be.

One way or another, it is to be hoped that these thugs will be caught before they try to carry out a similar attack and someone is seriously hurt – or worse.