PLANS to expand an Islamic welfare centre in Frizinghall have been submitted to Bradford Council.

The centre, on the corner of Granville Road and Beamsley Road. is currently two stories high, but a new planning application by Jamil Ithari would see a three storey side and rear extension to the property, as well as a minaret built on the property and a more intricate design.

The application says: "The introduction of these features is to give the Islamic Centre a sense of identity, but also enhance the current property and street scene."

It says the extension would allow an extra 50 people to use the centre during Friday prayers.

The application adds: "With current demands and needs from the local community the existing centre has outgrown its current occupancy level.

"Currently the Islamic Centre can only serve a restricted number for Friday Prayers. Often users have to travel to other facilities outside of Frizinghall and it is felt this has a negative impact on the centre as it cannot meet the needs of its immediate residents.

"There is also a lack of space for female users. With the new proposal it will meet these needs."

A decision on the application is expected next month.