More than 17 people are chasing every job vacancy in parts of the Bradford district.

The worrying figures, compiled by the House of Commons library, highlights the struggle the unemployed face to get back into the workplace.

The problem is most rife across the Bradford East parliamentary constituency, where an average of 17.9 people are chasing every vacancy, ranking it the 40th worst area in the country for people looking for work compared to the number of jobs available.

It is followed by Bradford South, with 17.6 jobseekers chasing every vacancy, ranking 43rd.

Across Shipley, every vacancy is being contested by 11.9 people – 127th out of the 650 parliamentary constituencies.

In comparison, Keighley ranks 267, with 7.5 people for each vacancy, and there are 2.9 people out of work in Bradford West for each vacancy, ranking it 578. Only Bradford West is lower than the Yorkshire and Humber average of 6.4 jobseekers per vacancy.

Bradford South Labour MP Gerry Sutcliffe said: “This is bad news for my area and across the district. .

“It is harder to get into work now. More people are chasing the same jobs and this is at a time when Government is reforming the welfare system. You cannot say on one hand you want to get people off benefits and into work when the opportunities are not there for them and Government cuts are leading to significant public sector job losses.

“We need to create more jobs and doing away with the Future Jobs Fund did not help.”

  • Read the full story in Friday's T&A