A self-styled preacher is on trial accused of beating two children and sexually abusing a young girl at a Bradford church.

William Dorgu, 45, denies three charges of indecent assault and seven of causing the youngsters actual bodily harm.

He is alleged to have committed the offences while he was pastor at the God Cares Ministry in Laisterdyke and Thornbury. Prosecutor Tony Kelbrick told Bradford Crown Court yesterday that Dorgu came to the UK from Nigeria in 1992. He was assistant to a pastor in Africa and set up his ministry in Bradford in 2000.

The court heard that Dorgu, who lived alone in Bradford, left West Yorkshire to move to the London area in 2007.

The Crown alleges that while he was preaching the gospel in Bradford, he kept an assortment of metal, wood and plastic implements to beat the children with.

Mr Kelbrick told the jury that Dorgu would make his young victims choose an instrument to assault them with.

It is alleged that Dorgu fondled the girl’s breasts in a room at the church one Sunday.

He is accused of sexually assaulting her on at least two further occasions.

Dorgu also faces four allegations of beating the girl and three of physically assaulting another child.

The girl said she was too ashamed to tell her mother when the pastor indecently assaulted her at the church.

She told the court she screamed at him to stop and began crying when he did it again.

She alleged Dorgu would use “anything he could find” to beat her with, including a belt and a stick.

The girl claimed she was struck all over her body and was afraid for her life.

The court heard that Dorgu “entirely and comprehensively” denied the allegations. He maintains they are entirely fabricated.

The trial continues.