Detailed plans to build 174 homes on the site of a former Bradford hospital look set to be passed later this week.

Doncaster developer Strata Homes had taken over the Northern View Hospital site at Rooley Avenue, Odsal, and hoped to build houses and apartments on the nearly seven-acre plot.

The company’s plans included homes that are not traditional in design. They would have one to five bedrooms and be grouped with differing heights from two to four storeys.

But the Telegraph & Argus has since learned that Strata has pulled out of the development and it appears that NHS Estates, which still owns the site, has taken over the planning application.

A spokesman for Strata said: “We are no longer involved in the project and have pulled out of the deal.”

Bradford Council’s planners are recommending the scheme be passed when councillors meet on Thursday at the Bradford Planning Panel meeting.

This is despite objections from the Council’s tree expert over the loss of the vast majority of trees on the site. Some replanting will take place and a report to the meeting states that: “While the loss of these trees is regrettable it is not considered that the visual character and appearance of the locality will be adversely affected.”

A total of nine objections have been received from nearby residents complaining over the impact on neighbouring properties, that the design is out of keeping with the area, and increased traffic and disturbance.

In addition it is thought possible that the site could be contaminated due to it being next to a landfill site and its former use as a hospital.

Ward Councillor David Warburton (Lab, Wyke) said: “Residents have a number of concerns about the development including the number of homes and that it will be overbearing to those living in Rooley Crescent.

“There are also concerns about the style and design of the properties.”

Outline permission for the site was granted in 2005 with a legal agreement that any developer would provide £120,000 towards recreation facilities, 15 per cent of the homes would be affordable housing and that highway works would be completed prior to the development starting.

Permission for up to 150 homes was first rejected in 2003 after objections from the Bradford Bulls, which claimed developing the site next to the club’s Odsal stadium could have wrecked any redevelopment of the ground.

The objection was withdrawn in 2004 after an agreement between the club and the NHS which guarantees a stadium access route through the land.

The meeting takes place at City Hall from 9.45am.

No-one at the NHS was available to comment tonight.