Workers at a Silsden factory had to be helped to safety by firefighters this morning when the building was cut off by floodwaters.

The fire crew set up a rope system to get around 100 employees at conveyor belt company Habasit Rossi Ltd through the torrent, which was thigh high in places.

Water surrounded the single-storey factory, in Keighley Road, when a nearby beck burst its banks.

"The building itself wasn't flooded because it is on slightly raised ground but the whole site around it was under water," said Keighley fire service watch manager Philip Troake.

"We set up ropes between the main road and factory gates so that workers could safely wade through the water, which was over their knees and up to their thighs in places. Everyone from the managing director to the tea boy waded across!"

Factory worker Adrian McSharry, 42, said when the car park flooded the Fire Service took the decision to evacuate the building.

The factory, which makes conveyor belts for the food industry, has been closed for the day after a local beck burst its banks.

Mr McSharry said: "It was very ordered. The Fire Brigade put a rope across the car park and helped us across. There was no panic, there was about four feet of water.

"We came to the pub and had a cup of tea and did a roll call. We have to check with our supervisors tomorrow to see if the factory is still closed."

Five firefighters from Keighley took part in the operation.

Police closed Keighley Road on the advice of the fire service because of fears that a wall may collapse due to the water.