Alec Baldwin is scary. He has shoulders the width of a bath tub, arms the size of Portugal and a jaw so chiselled he appears to be the work of a stone mason. He is also an actor and spends many of his Hollywood roles either shooting or being shot. However Alec has a sensitive side - he is a vegetarian.

Vegetarianism, in my opinion, is as unfathomable as the Da Vinci Code. You have vegetarians who don't eat meat but do eat fish. Then you have ones who don't eat fish but do eat chicken. Then there's the hardcore grass munchers who won't eat anything that comes from an animal (vegans I think they're called) but will eat eggs. But then there are some vegans who won't eat eggs but will drink milk so long as it's organic.

Alec certainly isn't an exception. In a recent interview he ordered calamari and lobster rolls. Now you don't have to be Albert Einstein to work out that both the above mentioned are fish and therefore living creatures. I'm not laying into Alec for no apparent reason, as always, there is method behind my madness.

The website is a rather nice video compilation compiled and voiced by Alec Baldwin, below. It shows how animals are taken from farms, slaughtered and eventually put on our plates. The viewing is a bit heavy going as they have obviously combed YouTube in search of the most horrific videos available. You get to see chickens in cramped conditions, pigs with gammy ears and cows having their throats cut. As a meat eater myself it didn't really bother me. In fact, it almost made me laugh a little.

You see, nothing annoys me more than someone else forcing their views upon others. The other week I had a Jehovah's Witness salesman coming round to tell me the world would soon end. He went on to say that if I didn't join him, I would be branded by the fires of hell for all of eternity. "At least it would be warm," I said, "I hate the cold" and finished by slamming the door in his face.

I just find it unnecessary. I don't make videos of carrots being forcefully removed from the soil or potatoes being tortured by industrial peelers. And do you know why? Because I believe in letting people make their own choices and decisions. If someone would sooner eat a mushroom over a tender leg of lamb that's fine - as it means more for me.

If, for some unknown reason, you have been moved by the footage then please don't consider switching to the dark side. I have a much simpler solution: To save a cow, eat a vegetarian.