HUNDREDS of people are expected to turn out to a public protest in Bradford against US President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban.

The rally tomorrow night in Centenary Square is being organised by the city’s Stand Up Against Racism Group which has condemned Mr Trump’s executive order on immigration.

Similar protests have been arranged in London and several other cities across the UK.

Mr Trump’s executive order from the weekend bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days and suspends the admission of all refugees for 120 days.

The countries listed under the ban are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan.

More than one million people have already signed an on-line petition on an official Parliament website calling for Mr Trump’s summer visit to the UK to be axed.

At the height of a demonstration at JFK International Airport in New York last weekend about 5,000 protesters descended on Terminal 4 after some passengers, including green-card holders, were detained for hours.

Prime Minister Theresa May has now come under renewed pressure to toughen her stance on the controversial tycoon.

A spokesman for Bradford STUR said Mr Trump’s enforcement order will only fuel more hatred.

“This will do nothing but fuel the incubus of racism and Islamophobia. We call on all anti-racists and all who uphold Bradford’s humanitarian values as a City of Sanctuary to support the protest,” he said.

The hour long protest in Bradford will start at 5.30pm.

University worker Lesley McGorrigan, 48, of Saltaire, is among Bradford Stand Up To Racism members who will be taking part in the protest.

“I’m sure the people of Bradford will turn out to show the true strength of feeling against what Trump is doing,” she said.

Ishtiaq Ahmed, the president of Bradford’s Council of Mosques, said he was urging its members and everyone else in Bradford to lobby their MPs and the UK’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to condemn the ban and to sign the petition to keep Mr Trump out of Britain.

Mr Ahmed said: “It’s important that people make their views known.

“We are encouraging our members and everyone in Bradford to mobilise, regardless of their faiths or non faiths, to sign the petition to cancel Trump’s visit to Britain to show their disgust at what he’s doing.

“We must make it known in very clear terms that we are against his xenophobia and Islamaphobia.”

Will Sutcliffe, who is chairman of Bradford City of Sanctuary, said: “I certainly support the aims of the protest and the message behind it.

“I echo their sentiments. I’m also concerned at the direction of travel and lack of condemnation from our political leadership.”

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said it was aware of the planned protest.

“We are aware that there are a number of people wanting to express their views,” he said.

“These people are wishing to do so peacefully and we will enable them to do so.”